7 Responses to READINGS

  1. Nicole Tanguay says:


  2. len says:

    hey just discovered ur site, keep up the good work

  3. Byron Warren says:

    Great work Jorge, very interesting and intriguing!!

  4. judy says:

    great work! keep on!

  5. Black Coffee Poet/Jorge,

    Finally watching your own work, you are a literary high, that is high literature in its golden age old with antique mind you dive into the fires of truth, you are not a lost wick, your brightness fades only with the conscious dream of our much needed thirst for reality, yours is a message from the seer, interweaving history with insight and meaning, you speak a visceral word, a clarity only known with you.

    I love the way you so welcomingly find open space for mixed languages and alternating histories and perspectives/worldviews within your work. This is a path that I am on as well, though with less practice in straightforward narrative. You have sheer talent for brevity with each line and each piece I’ve heard here, I think a symptom of the need to make a real, indisputable statement; an unrivalled purpose for literature.

    I’ve begun working with a young Venezuelan poet after publishing two bilingual Spanish-English poems in a community arts journal that I wrote and edited with a Mexican friend. Listening to your own work, I am invigorated to keep up with my translation and writing practices in Spanish language literature as my connection to Latin American literature remains strong and is upheld by such grounded voices as your own. I will be sending writers and others interested to view your site from here in the literary arts community in Calgary.

    You are an inspiration for the inter-ethnic writing community to live on in peace and well-being as we have throughout are sacred ancestral history, so timelessly, whether in myth, dream or the word of the day.

    Continue On. In Solidarity.

  6. Janet says:

    Un poema muy sentido. Refleja las inequidades de la opresiĆ³n. Felicitaciones

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